
A childhood lesson for days when PNH symptoms are difficult

When I was in elementary school, I participated in a variety of physical activities, including dance, soccer, and softball. The latter was my least favorite because I was terrified of being hit with the ball, which I couldn’t catch very well. But I’ll forever be grateful to the sport for…

Why advocating for myself at doctor appointments is crucial

Last week, I finally had a follow-up appointment after my hematologist had switched me back to Soliris (eculizumab) to treat my paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). The checkup had been delayed multiple times both on my end and my doctor’s. There were scheduling issues, changed hospital rotations, and an…

When medical students observe doctor appointments

You’ve been busy preparing for a doctor appointment that’s today. You have your notes from tracking symptoms, along with questions you want to ask. Maybe you’re a little anxious. You check in, wait, and then are brought into the examination room, where you discuss your medications and have…

Chasing the American dream is complicated with PNH

Ever since I was little, I was programmed to believe that chasing the American dream was my main goal in life. To pursue that goal, I believed I had to do well in school, attend college, get married, land a good job, have children, and live happily ever after. This…

Reflections on strength, 5 years after my PNH diagnosis

What are your go-to phrases for encouraging someone who’s going through a tough time? Do you sympathize with their situation and say you’re sorry, even though you haven’t had a hand in what’s happening? Do you hit them with the empowering “You’ve got this!”? Or last but not least,…

Bowling helps me cope with unpredictable PNH symptoms

My husband, John, and I recently started bowling with friends, and we’ve been enjoying it. Time seems to slow down when you walk up to the lane, take a deep breath, and line yourself up with the pins. As you step forward and lower the ball in a backward motion,…